muscle n. 【解剖学】肌(肉);体力,膂力,力气。 an involuntary muscle 不随意肌。 a voluntary muscle 随意肌。 a man of muscle 大力士。 not move a muscle 毫不动容,神色不变。 vi. 〔美俚〕发挥膂力;用力挤着前进 (through)。 muscle in 硬挤进;干涉,侵入;强夺。 adj. -less 无肌肉的;没力气的。 n. = mussel.
His muscle power recovered slowly but steadily 病患的肌力缓慢而稳定的恢复。
" tai chi requires a lot of mind power not just muscle power , " he said "太极需要很多心灵的力量不只是肌肉的力量" ,他说。
Unfortunately , men have utilized muscle power to gain a dominating position over women 不幸,男性用力气获得宰制妇女的地位。
Sudden loss of sensation or muscle power in one or more limbs - this may be due to stroke 手脚尤其是一边突然失去感觉或软弱无力可能是中风
Sudden loss of sensation or muscle power in one or more limbs - - - - - - this may be due to stroke 手脚(尤其是一边)突然失去感觉或软弱无力可能是中风
Pelvic floor exercises can strengthen muscle power and restore voiding control . for further information about the exercise , please contact health professionals 如想知道盘骨底肌肉训练的方法,可向医护人员查询。
No acute radiation toxicity was noted during irradiation and the muscle power of his right arm improved after follow - up for one year until the present 病人于治疗中并无急性副作用,追踪至今无明显神经性后遗症。
Pelvic floor exercises can strengthen muscle power and restore voiding control . for further information about the exercise , please contact health professionals 如想知道盘骨底肌肉训练的方法,可向医护人员查询。
Helps strengthen the muscle power and restore voiding control 6 . improvement of home environment ensure an easy access to the toilet or use a commode in the bedroom if necessary 平时多作盘骨底肌肉运动,可加强肌肉的收缩力和控制力,以减轻小便失禁的情况。
The right knee pain upon sudden standing up from sitting position is due to the instability of the knee joint most likely resulted from weaken muscle power around the knee 坐下后突然站起来导致右腿膝盖痛,是因为膝盖的周围肌力变弱而引起膝关节不稳定所致的。